Beyond manual locks on the doors and windows, the majority of student housing and rentals lack security and safety features in their student accommodation Coventry. There are tiny, simple, and quick methods to make your off-campus student housing a safer place to live for everyone, even though learning how to do so may initially seem overwhelming.

Advice on safety in student housing

Good well-being is fundamentally dependent on feeling safe. Your college apartment will be safer if you take a few extra precautions for home safety and security in addition to locking your doors and windows.

Door security

Doorstop alarms are a reliable, affordable solution to keep out intruders. The alarm will sound when set off, warning all parties of the danger. Another security measure you may take to deter burglars is to put more locks on your door. While requiring you to carry a key, doorknob locks are simple and hard to bypass. Portable door locks are an excellent alternative to doorknob locks if your housing agreement forbids them and they can also be used while traveling.

Window security

Using a window alarm is a fantastic extra precaution to take after locking and closing your windows when you are away from home, especially if you live in a ground-floor flat. Placing a dowel in your window seal and fastening it in place is another tried-and-true low-cost method to block off entrance points through windows.

Protection mechanisms

Check the rental agreement of your Student Accommodation Coventry to learn what is and is not permitted before buying any kind of personal protective equipment. Pocket knives, pepper spray, and baseball bats are all useful items to have on hand. Also, carrying and using personal alarms in the event of an intruder or assault is simple. If money is an issue, another easy method is to sleep close to your car keys so that you can instantly activate the alarm if you hear an intruder.


When it comes to personal safety and security, it’s a good idea to keep valuables and critical documents in a personal safe. Items can be stored in traditional safes just as easily as inconspicuous safes that are made to fit into your environment. Take pricey items home with you when you visit for the weekend or during a holiday as an added precaution.


Mobile phones provide a wide range of alternatives for security features and applications that are intended to keep you safe in most circumstances. To find safety apps that work for you, search internet shortlists and the app store. From programs that transform outdated cell phones into surveillance cameras to apps that notify emergency responders of your GPS location, there is an app for everything.

Phone numbers

Adding local emergency phone numbers to your contact list is another great practice for cell phone safety.

Keep your valuables hidden from view

Move everything important out of sight if you’re not bringing everything with you. It will be less appealing for someone to peer through the window if you hide goods in the closet or beneath the bed.

How to Secure Your Student Accommodation Coventry

Get a cheap home security camera.

Although purchasing home security equipment for your student accommodation Coventry definitely won’t be at the top of your list of priorities. Given that living on a student budget can be difficult, you might be surprised by the affordable solutions available.

Avoid posting on social media before or while you are traveling

Avoid giving out too much information about your whereabouts on social media. Don’t publish before or during your trip if you don’t want people to know when your room will be empty. Are you aware that 43%* of burglars are familiar with their victims?

It may be difficult for those of us who are content creators or self-admitted social media addicts to understand this. Broadcasting your whereabouts online is essentially giving potential burglars a heads-up! Obviously, this doesn’t mean you can’t share your artistic vacation images on your grid. Simply accept the celebrity lifestyle and post your location only when you are back home!

If you won’t be home, review the upcoming delivery

There are a few reasons why a package backlog could be detrimental

  1. It is obvious that you are not at home and presumably haven’t been for some time.
  2. It may present a fire threat.
  3. Receiving a much-needed delivery at your university address while you’re home for the holidays is the absolute worst! Make a mental note to use your “home-home” address while shopping online in the days before you depart. Try to reschedule, delay, or cancel any deliveries that you won’t be able to accept (particularly if they contain fresh food!).

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